I'm tellin ya the truth, serious!!
Ever heard that? I sure have. The question is...Does the truth still set you free? Free from what? Those questions are pretty much answerable by a myriad of statements which I'll leave up to your discretion. However, what I will delve into here is the truth: Bias or not?
How can the truth be biased? Pretty simple really. I can tell you the truth about something near and dear to your heart and earn your favor or perhaps spark a certain wanted reaction. See, it's not the truth that's biased...it's the person telling it. You see the 'truth' being told at almost every juncture. The news, the local high school debate, a small argument in a nearby restaurant, etc. etc. every where you go you'll hear someone or something trying to tell you the truth. What you probably already know is that these people want something. Some reaction or some thought...they want something from you by telling you the 'truth'. Pretty simple communication 101 right?
You'd be surprised to see how many people don't really get that though. Quoting unreliable sources as truth, believing everything on the news at face value, and even believing a politician! (yeah, some people actually do)
That's the problem with ignorance. It makes you feel like you're sitting pretty, without a care in the world because what you believe is all that there is to believe. I haven't really put myself in the boat with the rest of you so here I am doing just that. I'm ignorant about a lot of things and I still have tons of 'growing up to do' but I do see the difference between telling the truth and telling the 'truth'. We've attached people to a word called Terrorism. It's high time we attach some people to Ignocrisy. A big enough boat that can carry us all.