Monday, February 19, 2007


Soft white foamy waves crest over the sunlit horizon. It's almost mid-day and the sand already feels warm underneath your bare feet...a contrast to the still colder water that splashes up unto the beach. A relaxed sigh escapes from your tightened chest...what is it about this peaceful place that keeps you on edge? It's only been a matter of minutes...maybe seconds but already the calm serenity of this place makes it feel like hours. Gusts of wind blow over the ocean, catching the leaves of the scattered palms and pulling them ever downwards. The wind carries with it the call of the gulls flying overhead and the spray of salt water you're somehow very familiar with. You dare to look back at the horizon to find the peaceful sky blotted out by a massive, falling ball of blue flame. 'This is the end of the world' you hear yourself know, as you reach into your pocket to grab your phone, you only have time for one call...goodbye. The words barely pass your lips as the impact occurs. You stare breathlessly as the shock wave rolls over the horizon. What light there was fades in the moment the wave rolls over wake up.

I know I missed my chance to comment on the elections...about how Rummy got the boot and many great things that happened between 'here' and 'there'. Don't worry those events have there place and significance.

The premise of what I wrote is simple depending on your interpretation. It might be simplistic or wholely the wrong way to view it, but I look back on my dream and see the duality of reality.
I'm sure the dream has more meaning than that but recently my thoughts have been consumed. Consumed by reality...Some people can't face the true reality of their situations...a reality that so closely parallels the truth of the world around them. Most of us, conscious of it or not, construct our own little realities...excluding the harshness...the brutality of the total truth. We find ourselves immersed in our imaginations, ambitions, greed, lust, etc...We're so immersed that we barely see outside the rapidly deflating bubble. We take careful looks outside of that bubble to the clouded, stormy outside world and run back into the warm fire of apathy and contentment convincing ourselves that this is all we need.

I don't claim to think we all are apathetic with what goes on in the world. No, we don't start out that way. I think we all see, at some point in our lives, the honest brutality of the real reality. The shock...the gore...the horror drives us away and makes us more than just timid to venture out again. Someone once warned me about finding the truth of things...he told me, "You can't unknow the things you learn. Once you know, you're stuck with it." So those of us that are stuck handle it or we don't. Most of us sedate ourselves in our private reality. My personal tools of sedating are a big cup of coffee, a good fantasy/epic story/myth/book, and a cigarette. Worse yet...sometimes it gets too much and we just shut down.

I'm not saying that everything bad comes from having a personal reality. That's what imagination is! It is when we seclude ourselves, abandon the outside world that our little bubbles begin costing us real things...rights, money, friends... Our bubbles cost us knowledge and without knowledge we're just ignorant. What we discover outside our bounds might frighten us. We may just discover our mortality...our insignificance...our helplessness...and in so doing we may just discover our humanity.



Blogger Dav said...

Dude you LIVE!

8:37 PM  
Blogger Feenix said...

Hey!! I came on Dalnet a few days ago looking for you!! Sorry I didn't catch ya, but yeah I'm still alive to the misfortune of most :P

10:35 AM  
Blogger Ashiq said...

The 1st paragraph reminds me of beginning of Final Fantasy 10. I'm glad you're back.

Yes we shut down sometimes we just feel helpless. Sometimes we sedate ourselves to maintain our sanity.

But within us is the power to change ourselves and other people or even the world if we but try.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Dav said...

you boob i'm always on msn look me up

12:33 AM  
Blogger Feenix said...

I don't have MSN :P I'm mainly on WOW most of the time..that or in the real world now a days.

Yeah, I agree that our personal bubbles save us from losing it. We have a lot of stress to deal with on a daily basis and without enough outlets we can simply shut down.

Thanks for your comments guys. Sorry again I wasn't here for a bit!

10:19 AM  

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