Sunday, May 06, 2007


It's been a week...Like clockwork the ropes of my patience have been frayed over and over again. No, never constantly but perfectly timed...Just as I'm about to relax and let go of one issue another blundering idiot comes along to insult/berrate me. I'm starting to truely understand why most people are angry all the time. There's lots of anger out there just waiting for a place to land. Makes for a perfect tool of exploitation.

I really, honestly thought (sometimes still do) that the American dream was to simply be left alone. You don't bother me, I don't bother you. Sounds real good after this week. After running the guantlet of work/school and current issues local/world it's a wonder we don't just resort to hiding behind rocks let alone mass slaughter. I've heard anthropologists comment on the lack of social networking today's generations have...the lack of interest we have in each other to the point where human-human contact makes us sick. Since when could anyone survive by being alone and more importantly how can anyone have a fulfilling life by being a giant dickhead?

I'm tired....just tired of being angry and seing loads of it fall from the sky like mana from heaven. We're like mindless zombies ingesting more and more anger/hatred from everyone/everything around us. We don't even know what made us angry in the first place...we just know we're damn angry and to hell with anyone else. There'll come a day when someone/something invokes that anger so tightly spun around us. Invokes our ignorance and plays to our tranqualizers and sedatives...You think you're angry now.


Note- You can see people using anger as we speak. Politicians that invoke soldiers' death to win popularity...straight down to even taxes. We literally hate each other for what? Simple beliefs that don't amount to much in the long run. How the hell can you be insightful and wise when you're narrow-minded and hateful? It's not possible. So, while we wallow in our anger...lead around by our clenched fists the world moves on and our ignorance takes away the pain...


Blogger Dav said...

Dude so uh... why are you angry then?

8:36 PM  
Blogger Feenix said...

Meh, I'm always angry at some base level. It's like the morning cup of coffee. I guess if I wasn't then this crappy rant-filled blog wouldn't be here :P

1:33 AM  

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